

The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is both a repository and a resource for the three-dimensional structural data of molecules generally containing at least carbon and hydrogen, comprising a wide range of organic, metal-organic and organometallic molecules. The specific entries are complementary to the other crystallographic databases such as the PDB, ICSD and PDF. The data, typically obtained by X-ray crystallography and less frequently by neutron diffraction, and submitted by crystallographers and chemists from around the world, are freely accessible (as deposited by authors) on the Internet via the CSD's parent organization's website (CCDC). ConQuest is the primary program for searching and retrieving information from the CSD.


Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, containing about 185,000 peer-reviewed data entries of inorganic and related structures, including their atomic coordinates dating back to 1913. It is produced cooperatively by FIZ Karlsruhe and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit (visualization and analysis of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence data). . The program allows both interactive and batch processing of large data sets and is particularly well suited for X-ray imaging. Its implementation of a complete description of the M shell is particularly helpful for analysis of data collected at low energies. It features, among many other things, the fundamental parameters method