

Mosflm can process diffraction images from a wide range of detectors and produces, as output, an MTZ file of reflection indices with their intensities and standard deviations (and other parameters). This MTZ file is passed onto other programs of the CCP4 program suite (SORTMTZ, SCALA, TRUNCATE) for further data reduction.


X-ray Detector Software for processing single-crystal monochromatic diffraction data recorded by the rotation method. It processes a sequence of adjacent, nonoverlapping rotation images collected from a single-crystal at a fixed X-ray wavelength and recorded by a variety of imaging plate, CCD, pixel and multiwire area detectors; allows arbitrary but fixed orientations of the detector and rotation axis, and only requires that incident beam and rotation axis intercept in one point in the center of the crystal; automatically derives reflecting range, spot width, crystal orientation, symmetry, and cell parameters from the data images. delivers a list of corrected integrated intensities of the reflections occuring in the data images.