
A Python library for accessing and inspecting data in European XFEL's HDF5 files.

European XFEL saves data in multiple HDF5 files with a moderately complex structure. EXtra-data aims to provide a simple interface to access data from a run directory, and conveniently work it in popular Python libraries such as Dask, Xarray and pandas.

Website https://github.com/European-XFEL/EXtra-data
Licenses BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License (BSD-3-Clause)
Categories Data analysis Library
Software Requirements -
Hardware Requirements -
Platforms Mac OS Linux Windows
Languages Python
Input Formats HDF5
Output Formats There are no output formats associated to this software.
Contact email da-support@xfel.eu
There is not a how-to for this software.
Documentation / Tutorials

EXtra-data documentation

No references have been added for this software.
Instruments This software is not associated to any instruments.
No screenshots have been uploaded for this software.
There are no institutes associated to this software
No example datasets have been uploaded for this software.