ANKAphase processes X-ray inline phase-contrast radiographs by reconstructing the projected thickness of the object(s) imaged. The tool uses a single-distance non-iterative phase-retrieval algorithm described in a paper by D. Paganin et al. J. Microsc. vol. 206 (2002). It has an easy-to-use graphical user interface and can be run either as a standalone application or as a plugin to ImageJ. It works on powerful clusters but also on your office laptop.
3D analysis software for scientific and industrial data. Different application areas: Materials Science, Quality Assurance in Industrial Environments, Electronics, Digital Rock Analysis etc. It enables users to perform interactive visualization and computation on 3D data sets. The Avizo interface is modelled on the visual programming. Users manipulate data and module components, organized in an interactive graph representation (called Pool), or in a Tree view. Data and modules can be interactively connected together, and controlled with several parameters, creating a visual processing network whose output is displayed in a 3D viewer. With this interface, complex data can be interactively explored and analyzed by applying a controlled sequence of computation and display processes resulting in a meaningful visual representation and associated derived data.
Bonsu is an interactive phase retrieval suite, designed for phase retrieval with real-time visualisation in both two and three dimensions. It includes an inventory of algorithms and routines for data manipulation and reconstruction.
DAWN, the Data Analysis WorkbeNch, is an Eclipse based application for scientific data analysis. It comes with a range of tools for visualization (1D, 2D and 3D), code development environments (for Python, Jython and Eclipse plug-ins) as well as processing workflows with visual algorithms for analyzing scientific datasets. It is primarily developed at Diamond Light Source, but external contributions are most welcome! DAWN is distributed freely and is released under the Eclipse Public License.
FabIO is a Python library for reading and handling data from 2-D X-ray detectors. FabIO provides a function for reading any image and returning a FabioImage object which contains both metadata (header information) and raw data. All FabioImage objects offer additional methods to extract information about the image and open other detector images from the same data series.
FIT2D is a general purpose 1 and 2 dimensional data analysis program. It is used for both interactive and "batch" data processing, and is used for different purposes. Calibration and correction of detector distortions is one of the main uses of FIT2D. Difficult data analysis problems may be tackled using fitting of user specified models. To enable model fitting to be performed on a wide variety of input data, many other more basic data analysis operations are also available. A wide variety of performant graphical display methods are available.
a graphical user interface to manage tomography data preprocessing, reconstruction and visualizaton based upon IDL and PyHST packages.
LAMP (Large Array Manipulation Program) is designed for the treatment of data obtained from neutron scattering experiments at the Institut Laue-Langevin. However, LAMP is now a more general purpose application which can be seen as a GUI-laboratory for data analysis based on the IDL language.
NeXpy provides a high-level python interface to NeXus data contained within a simple GUI. It is designed to provide an intuitive interactive toolbox allowing users both to access existing NeXus files and to create new NeXus-conforming data structures without expert knowledge of the file format. The underlying Python API for reading and writing NeXus files is provided by the nexusformat package, which is also described here.
The PNI libraries are a stack of related C++ libraries developed with the intention to simplify the development of scientific software in the field of Photon-, Neutron, and Ion-scattering.
Pore3D is a software toolbox for quantitative analysis of three-dimensional images. The core of Pore3D consists in a set of state-of-the-art functions and procedures for performing filtering, segmentation, skeletonization and quantitative analysis of three-dimensional data. Although three-dimensional data can be produced by several techniques (for instance: magnetic resonance, x-ray scattering or confocal microscopy), the library was developed and optimized for micro-CT (Computed Tomography) data. Pore3D features are available through the high-level scripting environment IDL. Pore3D has been tested with IDL 64-bit from versions 6.4 to 8.5.
Ptychography Alignment Tools
This project provides a PyQtGraph-based GUI to assist users on the alignment of Ptychography scans. The tool has the following features: -Load set of images (tiff files supported) -Select pairs of images for alignment -Import/Export probe positions (npy array) -Image controls: levels, contrast, look up tables, zooming, translation -Preview the global picture by combining all positions
pyFAI is an azimuthal integration library that tries to be fast (as fast as C and even more using OpenCL and GPU). It is based on histogramming of the 2theta/Q positions of each (center of) pixel weighted by the intensity of each pixel, but parallel version uses a SparseMatrix-DenseVector multiplication
X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit (visualization and analysis of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence data). . The program allows both interactive and batch processing of large data sets and is particularly well suited for X-ray imaging. Its implementation of a complete description of the M shell is particularly helpful for analysis of data collected at low energies. It features, among many other things, the fundamental parameters method
The silx project aims at providing a collection of Python packages to support the development of data assessment, reduction and analysis applications at synchrotron radiation facilities. The purpose is to deliver reading/writing of different file formats, data reduction routines and a set of Qt widgets to browse and visualize data.