XRMC is a Monte Carlo program for accurate simulation of X-ray imaging and spectroscopy experiments in heterogeneous samples. The use of the Monte Carlo method makes the code suitable for the detailed simulation of complex experiments on generic samples. Variance reduction techniques are used for reducing considerably the computation time compared to general purpose Monte Carlo programs. The program is written in C++ and has been tested on Linux, Mac OS X and MS Windows platforms.

XRMC is released under the terms of the GPLv3.

Website https://github.com/golosio/xrmc
Licenses GNU General Public License 3.0
Categories Spectroscopies XRF Monte Carlo
Software Requirements Bash shell to run the configure script C++ compiler that supports OpenMP Optionally: XMI-MSIM
Hardware Requirements -
Platforms Mac OS Linux Windows
Languages There are no languages associated to this software.
Input Formats ASCII
Output Formats There are no output formats associated to this software.
At Diamond Light Source

XRMC is installed into the modules system and can be loaded via:

> module load xrmc

Simulations can then be started using:

> xrmc input.dat

To quickly visualize output, consider using the xrmc-plot utility, available in the Anaconda Python installation:

> module load python/ana
> xrmc-plot output.dat

For this utility to work, ensure that the detector.dat file contains the line:

HeaderFlag 1
Documentation / Tutorials

Documentation and examples can be found in the Github wiki pages


Golosio, B., Schoonjans, T., Brunetti, A., Oliva, P., & Masala, G. L. (2014). Monte Carlo simulation of X-ray imaging and spectroscopy experiments using quadric geometry and variance reduction techniques. Computer Physics Communications, 185(3), 1044-1052. DOI

Instruments This software is not associated to any instruments.
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This software is used at these institutes
No example datasets have been uploaded for this software.