BINoculars is a tool for data reduction and analysis of large sets of surface diffraction data that have been acquired with a 2D X-ray detector. The intensity of each pixel of a 2D-detector is projected onto a 3-dimensional grid in reciprocal lattice coordinates using a binning algorithm. This allows for fast acquisition and processing of high-resolution datasets and results in a significant reduction of the size of the dataset. The subsequent analysis then proceeds in reciprocal space. It has evolved from the specific needs of the ID03 beamline at the ESRF, but it has a modular design and can be easily adjusted and extended to work with data from other beamlines or from other measurement techniques.
CrysAlis Pro
Data collection and data processing software for small molecule and protein crystallography. Main features: automatic crystal screening, data collection and strategy modules. It provides the user with information regarding the unit cell, intensity estimation by resolution range and suggested frame exposure times for the full data collection.
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is both a repository and a resource for the three-dimensional structural data of molecules generally containing at least carbon and hydrogen, comprising a wide range of organic, metal-organic and organometallic molecules. The specific entries are complementary to the other crystallographic databases such as the PDB, ICSD and PDF. The data, typically obtained by X-ray crystallography and less frequently by neutron diffraction, and submitted by crystallographers and chemists from around the world, are freely accessible (as deposited by authors) on the Internet via the CSD's parent organization's website (CCDC). ConQuest is the primary program for searching and retrieving information from the CSD.
DaFy, short for Data Analysis Factory, is a software package that contains a bunch of PyQt5 based GUI applications for processing synchrotron X-ray data.
easyDiffraction is scientific software for modelling and analysis of neutron diffraction data, i.e., simulation of diffraction pattern based on structural model and refinement of its parameters. easyDiffraction is similar to crystallographic programs like FullProf, Jana, GSAS, ShelX, etc. However, unlike them, easyDiffraction is based on external crystallographic libraries, such as CrysPy to cover different functionality aspects within a single intuitive and user-friendly graphical interface.
A neutron ray-trace simulation package. McStas is a general tool for simulating neutron scattering instruments and experiments.
Monte Carlo Xray Tracing. Allows simulation of X-ray beam lines, as well as sample simulations in so-called virtual experiments.
NSXTool is an application for reducing neutron single crystal data. It provides algorithms for indexing, refining UB matrix and instrument parameters, integrating Bragg peaks for future analyses using software such as FullProf or ShelX. It is made of a core crystallographic library written in C++ (standard 2011) with dependencies on boost, eigen, gsl standard libraries and of a graphical user interface written in Qt.
OASYS (OrAnge SYnchrotron Suite) is an open-source Graphical Environment for optic simulation software packages used in synchrotron facilities, based on [Orange 3]( It includes SHADOWOUI, a port to the [SHADOW]( ray-tracing code and XOPPY (the Python version of [XOP](
Profile and structure analysis software for powder and single crystal data XRD. Profile and structure analysis by integrating a large wealth of profile fitting techniques as well as related applications. Single Line Fitting Indexing (LSI and LP-Search methods) Whole Powder Pattern Decomposition (Pawley and Le Bail methods) Ab-initio structure determination in direct space from powder and single crystal data Rietveld structure refinement Quantitative Rietveld analysis
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