

Crispy is a modern graphical user interface to simulate core-level spectra using semi-empirical multiplet approaches.


Data Analysis RPC server over Tango Dahu is a lightweight plugin based framework... ... technically a JSON-RPC server over Tango * plugin can be class or can be generated from state-less function * a plugin is executed within a job, each job lives in its own thread. * plugins have empty constructors plus 4 methods (or more) - setup allows to set the input parameters. It performs sanitization if needed - process does the taff - teardown sets the output and the logging and cleans up if needed - abort can be used to stop the processing if a plugin is a daemon. * the job is responsible for serializing on disk the plugin input and output * jobs can be launched using the tango interface (or other ...) * plugins have a single input and output, they are simple JSON-serializable dictionaries.


FabIO is a Python library for reading and handling data from 2-D X-ray detectors. FabIO provides a function for reading any image and returning a FabioImage object which contains both metadata (header information) and raw data. All FabioImage objects offer additional methods to extract information about the image and open other detector images from the same data series.


FIT2D is a general purpose 1 and 2 dimensional data analysis program. It is used for both interactive and "batch" data processing, and is used for different purposes. Calibration and correction of detector distortions is one of the main uses of FIT2D. Difficult data analysis problems may be tackled using fitting of user specified models. To enable model fitting to be performed on a wide variety of input data, many other more basic data analysis operations are also available. A wide variety of performant graphical display methods are available.


ART algorithms for fluorescence and transmission tomography reconstructions. Fluorescence absorption for the incoming and outgoing beams are taken into account.


Small angle scattering tools … but unlike most others, free and written in Python. The FreeSAS tool suite is licensed under the MIT license.

h5nuvola - HDF5 services on the cloud

A web-based equivalent for HDFView which adds additional functionality. It implements Cloud file browsing, data visualisation services, and selective exporting of data. Its modular architecture includes an API facilitating data and metadata exploration through REST services. Back-end tasks are based on the Python framework Flask. HDF5 files are accessed through h5py. Bokeh plotting library handles the visualisation. The front-end uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. h5nuvola is integrated in Elettra’s Virtual Unified Office. It can also be integrated with Jupyter.


H5Web is a web-based HDF5 file viewer with NeXus support. It allows for the browsing and inspecting of the hierarchical structure of HDF5 files, as well as visualising their datasets as basic plots (1D, 2D). With H5Web, our intent is to provide synchrotron users with an easy-to-use application and to make open-source components available for other similar web applications. H5Web is built with React, a front-end web development library. It supports the exploration of HDF5 files, requested from a separate back-end for modularity (e.g. HSDS, Jupyter, etc.), and the visualisation of datasets using performant WebGL-based visualisations.


JupyterLab extension to explore and visualize HDF5 file contents, using the web-based viewer H5Web. H5Web supports the NeXus format.


myHDF5 is a free online service to explore and visualize HDF5 files. Users can choose to select files from their local machine, or to load files that are hosted remotely on platforms such as GitHub or Zenodo. myHDF5 is based on H5Web, an HDF5 file viewer and visualisation component library built with React and WebGL, as well as h5wasm, a WebAssembly-powered library for reading HDF5 files from JavaScript.


Nabu is a tomography processing software being developed at ESRF by the ADA Unit. It is part of the new ESRF tomography software suite. The European Synchrotron has several tomography beamlines. Each of them use dedicated software, which over the years led a variety of different tools spread over the beamlines with poor maintainability. This is summarized in ESRF current situation for tomography software. Nabu is an effort to unify tomography software in a new toolkit with the following requirements: Library of tomography processing, with “applications” built on top of it, usable by both non-experts and power-users High performance processing (parallelization with Cuda/OpenCL, computations distribution, memory re-use) Support of multiple techniques, not only absorption and phase contrast Extensively documented Focus on maintainability with a bus factor greater than one Compatible with ESRF legacy software, progressively replacing it Nabu does not aim at being the new universal tomography reconstruction software. Well-established software like Astra, tomopy, Savu and UFO have an extensive set of features. Nabu foremost focuses on ESRF needs, while being designed so that it can be re-used in other projects.


A set of Python tools and widgets for handling and visualizing scanning imaging data at the NanoMAX (MAX IV) beamline.


nxtomomill provide a set of applications to convert tomography acquisition made from bliss (@ESRF) from their original file format (.edf, .h5) to a Nexus compliant file format (using NXtomo)


OASYS (OrAnge SYnchrotron Suite) is an open-source Graphical Environment for optic simulation software packages used in synchrotron facilities, based on [Orange 3]( It includes SHADOWOUI, a port to the [SHADOW]( ray-tracing code and XOPPY (the Python version of [XOP](


X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit (visualization and analysis of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence data). . The program allows both interactive and batch processing of large data sets and is particularly well suited for X-ray imaging. Its implementation of a complete description of the M shell is particularly helpful for analysis of data collected at low energies. It features, among many other things, the fundamental parameters method