
Demeter is a comprehensive system for processing and analyzing X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data.

It contains several packages such as Athena, Artemis and Hephaestus, which are widely used in the XAFS community.

Licenses GNU General Public License 3.0
Categories Data analysis Visualization Data reduction XAFS Database GUI
Software Requirements Ifeffit and/or Larch Perl as well as a long list of Perl modules.
Hardware Requirements -
Platforms Mac OS Linux Windows
Languages Perl
Input Formats ASCII JSON
Output Formats ASCII JSON
Contact email
At Diamond Light Source

To see which Demeter versions are installed into the modules system:

> module avail demeter

From the output of this command, select a specific version (e.g. demeter/0.9.25) or omit the version number to load the latest release:

> module load demeter

Demeter packages may be used through either of its supported backends Ifeffit and Larch. If the latter is prefered, the executable name will start with an 'l', in the former case with a 'd':

> lathena   # larch backend
> dathena   # Ifeffit backend
Documentation / Tutorials

User guides, lecture videos, Bruce Ravel's XAS training course presentations, programming documentation and more can be found at the official Demeter website


To cite Demeter in a publication, use B. Ravel and M. Newville, ATHENA, ARTEMIS, HEPHAESTUS: data analysis for X-ray absorption spectroscopy using IFEFFIT, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 12, 537–541 (2005)

Instruments This software is not associated to any instruments.
This software is used at these institutes
No example datasets have been uploaded for this software.