

3D analysis software for scientific and industrial data. Different application areas: Materials Science, Quality Assurance in Industrial Environments, Electronics, Digital Rock Analysis etc. It enables users to perform interactive visualization and computation on 3D data sets. The Avizo interface is modelled on the visual programming. Users manipulate data and module components, organized in an interactive graph representation (called Pool), or in a Tree view. Data and modules can be interactively connected together, and controlled with several parameters, creating a visual processing network whose output is displayed in a 3D viewer. With this interface, complex data can be interactively explored and analyzed by applying a controlled sequence of computation and display processes resulting in a meaningful visual representation and associated derived data.


BINoculars is a tool for data reduction and analysis of large sets of surface diffraction data that have been acquired with a 2D X-ray detector. The intensity of each pixel of a 2D-detector is projected onto a 3-dimensional grid in reciprocal lattice coordinates using a binning algorithm. This allows for fast acquisition and processing of high-resolution datasets and results in a significant reduction of the size of the dataset. The subsequent analysis then proceeds in reciprocal space. It has evolved from the specific needs of the ID03 beamline at the ESRF, but it has a modular design and can be easily adjusted and extended to work with data from other beamlines or from other measurement techniques.


The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is both a repository and a resource for the three-dimensional structural data of molecules generally containing at least carbon and hydrogen, comprising a wide range of organic, metal-organic and organometallic molecules. The specific entries are complementary to the other crystallographic databases such as the PDB, ICSD and PDF. The data, typically obtained by X-ray crystallography and less frequently by neutron diffraction, and submitted by crystallographers and chemists from around the world, are freely accessible (as deposited by authors) on the Internet via the CSD's parent organization's website (CCDC). ConQuest is the primary program for searching and retrieving information from the CSD.


DAWN, the Data Analysis WorkbeNch, is an Eclipse based application for scientific data analysis. It comes with a range of tools for visualization (1D, 2D and 3D), code development environments (for Python, Jython and Eclipse plug-ins) as well as processing workflows with visual algorithms for analyzing scientific datasets. It is primarily developed at Diamond Light Source, but external contributions are most welcome! DAWN is distributed freely and is released under the Eclipse Public License.


Demeter is a comprehensive system for processing and analyzing X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data. It contains several packages such as Athena, Artemis and Hephaestus, which are widely used in the XAFS community.


FIT2D is a general purpose 1 and 2 dimensional data analysis program. It is used for both interactive and "batch" data processing, and is used for different purposes. Calibration and correction of detector distortions is one of the main uses of FIT2D. Difficult data analysis problems may be tackled using fitting of user specified models. To enable model fitting to be performed on a wide variety of input data, many other more basic data analysis operations are also available. A wide variety of performant graphical display methods are available.

h5nuvola - HDF5 services on the cloud

A web-based equivalent for HDFView which adds additional functionality. It implements Cloud file browsing, data visualisation services, and selective exporting of data. Its modular architecture includes an API facilitating data and metadata exploration through REST services. Back-end tasks are based on the Python framework Flask. HDF5 files are accessed through h5py. Bokeh plotting library handles the visualisation. The front-end uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. h5nuvola is integrated in Elettra’s Virtual Unified Office. It can also be integrated with Jupyter.


H5Web is a web-based HDF5 file viewer with NeXus support. It allows for the browsing and inspecting of the hierarchical structure of HDF5 files, as well as visualising their datasets as basic plots (1D, 2D). With H5Web, our intent is to provide synchrotron users with an easy-to-use application and to make open-source components available for other similar web applications. H5Web is built with React, a front-end web development library. It supports the exploration of HDF5 files, requested from a separate back-end for modularity (e.g. HSDS, Jupyter, etc.), and the visualisation of datasets using performant WebGL-based visualisations.


Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, containing about 185,000 peer-reviewed data entries of inorganic and related structures, including their atomic coordinates dating back to 1913. It is produced cooperatively by FIZ Karlsruhe and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


a graphical user interface to manage tomography data preprocessing, reconstruction and visualizaton based upon IDL and PyHST packages.


The iFit library (pronounce [eye-fit]) is a set of methods to load, analyse, plot, fit and optimize models, and export results. iFit is based on Matlab, but can also be launched without Matlab license (stand-alone version).Matlab It does not currently include advanced graphical user interfaces (GUI), and rather focuses on doing the math right. Any text file can be imported straight away, and a set of binary files are supported. Any data dimensionality can be handled, including event based data sets (even though not all methods do work for these). Any model can be assembled for fitting data sets. Last, a number of routines are dedicated to the analyses of S(q,w) and S(alpha,beta). More advanced features include the full automation to compute phonon dispersions in materials, using DFT codes such as ABINIT, ELK, VASP, QuantumEspresso, GPAW and more (Models/sqw_phonons). The software can also compute the neutron TAS resolution function (4D) and fits to experimental data with full resolution convolution (ResLibCal). An interface for McStas and McXtrace is also available to automate and optimize instrument simulations.


JupyterLab extension to explore and visualize HDF5 file contents, using the web-based viewer H5Web. H5Web supports the NeXus format.

Materials Studio

Materials Studio is a modeling and simulation environment designed to allow to predict and understand the relationships of a material’s atomic and molecular structure with its properties and behavior. With it one can construct, manipulate and view models of molecules, crystalline materials, surfaces, polymers, and mesoscale structures. Materials Studio includes quantum, atomistic (or “classical”), mesoscale, and statistical methods that enable one to evaluate materials at various particle sizes and time scales. It also includes tools for evaluating crystal structure and crystal growth.


Materials Analysis Using Diffraction: A Rietveld extended program to perform combined analyses. It can be used to fit diffraction, fluorescence and reflectivity data using X-ray, neutron, TOF or electrons


Monte Carlo Xray Tracing. Allows simulation of X-ray beam lines, as well as sample simulations in so-called virtual experiments.