VASP is an ab initio simulation package based on DFT. It is used for atomic scale materials modelling, e.g. electronic structure calculations and quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics from first principles.

VASP computes an approximate solution to the many-body Schrödinger equation, either within density functional theory (DFT), solving the Kohn-Sham equations, or within the Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation, solving the Roothaan equations. Hybrid functionals that mix the Hartree-Fock approach with DFT are implemented as well. Furthermore, Green's functions methods (GW quasiparticles, and ACFDT-RPA) and many-body perturbation theory (2nd-order Møller-Plesset) are available.

Central quantities, like the one-electron orbitals, the electronic charge density, and the local potential are expressed in plane wave basis sets. The interactions between the electrons and ions are described using norm-conserving or ultrasoft pseudopotentials, or the projector-augmented-wave method.

To determine the electronic ground state, VASP makes use of efficient iterative matrix diagonalisation techniques, like the residual minimisation method with direct inversion of the iterative subspace (RMM-DIIS) or blocked Davidson algorithms. These are coupled to highly efficient Broyden and Pulay density mixing schemes to speed up the self-consistency cycle.

Licenses Software subject to license fees
Categories Sample simulation Spectroscopies DFT/HFT Modelling
Software Requirements -
Hardware Requirements -
Platforms Linux
Languages Fortran
Input Formats ASCII
Output Formats ASCII
Contact email,
  • ESRF:
    In order to run VASP on the central cluster, refer to: /sware/exp/vasp/current/README.esrf

  • ILL:
    In order to run VASP on the ILL cluster (masterp), refer to Intranet ILL HPC cluster

Documentation / Tutorials

User manual available here:


VASP usage:

G. Kresse and J. Hafner. Ab initio molecular dynamics for liquid metals. Phys. Rev. B, 47:558, 1993. G. Kresse and J. Hafner. Ab initio molecular-dynamics simulation of the liquid-metal-amorphous-semiconductor transition in germanium. Phys. Rev. B, 49:14251, 1994. G. Kresse and J. Furthmüller. Efficiency of ab-initio total energy calculations for metals and semiconductors using a plane-wave basis set. Comput. Mat. Sci., 6:15, 1996. G. Kresse and J. Furthmüller. Efficient iterative schemes for ab initio total-energy calculations using a plane-wave basis set. Phys. Rev. B, 54:11169, 1996.

Depending on the potentials used :

Ultra-soft pseudopotentials

D. Vanderbilt. Soft self-consistent pseudopotentials in a generalized eigenvalue formalism. Phys. Rev. B, 41:7892, 1990. G. Kresse and J. Hafner. Norm-conserving and ultrasoft pseudopotentials for first-row and transition-elements. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 6:8245, 1994. PAW potentials P. E. Blochl. Projector augmented-wave method. Phys. Rev. B, 50:17953, 1994. G. Kresse and D. Joubert. From ultrasoft pseudopotentials to the projector augmented-wave method. Phys. Rev. B, 59:1758, 1999.

Exchange and correlation approximations implemented in VASP:

Local Density Approximation (LDA)

J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger. Self-interaction correction to density-functional approximations for many-electron systems. Phys. Rev. B, 23:5048, 1981. Generalized Gradient Approximation PW91 (GGA-PW91)

J.P. Perdew, J.A. Chevary, S.H. Vosko, K.A. Jackson, M.R. Pederson, D.J. Singh, and C. Fiolhais. Atoms, molecules, solids, and surfaces: Applications of the generalized gradient approximation for exchange and correlation. Phys. Rev. B, 46:6671, 1992.

J.P. Perdew, J.A. Chevary, S.H. Vosko, K.A. Jackson, M.R. Pederson, D.J. Singh, and C. Fiolhais. Erratum: Atoms, molecules, solids, and surfaces: Applications of the generalized gradient approximation for exchange and correlation. Phys. Rev. B, 48:4978, 1993. Generalized Gradient Approximation PBE (GGA-PBE)

J. P. Perdew, K. Burke, and M. Ernzerhof. Generalized gradient approximation made simple. Phys. Rev. Lett., 77:3865, 1996.

J. P. Perdew, K. Burke, and M. Ernzerhof. Erratum: Generalized gradient approximation made simple. Phys. Rev. Lett., 78:1396, 1997.

Instruments IN4C (ILL) IN6 (ILL) BM08 (ESRF) BM23 (ESRF) ID24 (ESRF) ID26 (ESRF)
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