Crispy is a modern graphical user interface to simulate core-level spectra using semi-empirical multiplet approaches.
CrysAlis Pro
Data collection and data processing software for small molecule and protein crystallography. Main features: automatic crystal screening, data collection and strategy modules. It provides the user with information regarding the unit cell, intensity estimation by resolution range and suggested frame exposure times for the full data collection.
Computational tool for solid state physics and chemistry. The CRYSTAL package performs ab initio calculations of the ground state energy, energy gradient, electronic wave function and properties of periodic systems. Hartree-Fock or Kohn- Sham Hamiltonians (adopting an Exchange-Correlation potential following the DFT postulates of ) can be used. Systems periodic in 0 (molecules, 0D), 1 (polymers, 1D), 2 (slabs, 2D), and 3 dimensions (crystals, 3D) are treated on an equal footing. In each case the fundamental approximation made is the expansion of the single particle wave functions ('Crystalline Orbital', CO) as a linear combination of Bloch functions (BF) defined in terms of local functions, i.e. Atomic Orbitals.
CrystFEL is a suite of programs for processing diffraction data acquired "serially" in a "snapshot" manner, such as when using the technique of Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SFX) with a free-electron laser source. CrystFEL comprises programs for indexing and integrating diffraction patterns, scaling and merging intensities, simulating patterns, calculating figures of merit for the data and visualising the results. Supporting scripts are provided to help at all stages, including importing data into CCP4 for further processing. [From: the Website]
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is both a repository and a resource for the three-dimensional structural data of molecules generally containing at least carbon and hydrogen, comprising a wide range of organic, metal-organic and organometallic molecules. The specific entries are complementary to the other crystallographic databases such as the PDB, ICSD and PDF. The data, typically obtained by X-ray crystallography and less frequently by neutron diffraction, and submitted by crystallographers and chemists from around the world, are freely accessible (as deposited by authors) on the Internet via the CSD's parent organization's website (CCDC). ConQuest is the primary program for searching and retrieving information from the CSD.
DaFy, short for Data Analysis Factory, is a software package that contains a bunch of PyQt5 based GUI applications for processing synchrotron X-ray data.
Data Analysis RPC server over Tango Dahu is a lightweight plugin based framework... ... technically a JSON-RPC server over Tango * plugin can be class or can be generated from state-less function * a plugin is executed within a job, each job lives in its own thread. * plugins have empty constructors plus 4 methods (or more) - setup allows to set the input parameters. It performs sanitization if needed - process does the taff - teardown sets the output and the logging and cleans up if needed - abort can be used to stop the processing if a plugin is a daemon. * the job is responsible for serializing on disk the plugin input and output * jobs can be launched using the tango interface (or other ...) * plugins have a single input and output, they are simple JSON-serializable dictionaries.
DARTS on-demand computing
The Data Analysis Remote Treatment Service (DARTS) [1] is a remote desktop service that launches virtual machines in the cloud, and displays them in your browser. These machines can be used for e.g. scientific data treatment. A user indicates how many CPU cores and how much memory he wishes, can optionally request a GPU for heavy-duty computations, and can be customized at start-up. The sessions typically start in about 10 seconds, and can be shared with colleagues within their life-time (typically 4 days). Each user can manage all his active sessions (connect, stop, share). This service can be installed and configured within a few minutes (sudo apt install qemu-web-desktop), and it requires minimal maintenance. It can also run on a set of servers without any underlying complex infrastructure. The source code is fully open-source, and relies on very simple elements (Apache web-server and QEMU). Give it a try ! The source code is at
DAWN, the Data Analysis WorkbeNch, is an Eclipse based application for scientific data analysis. It comes with a range of tools for visualization (1D, 2D and 3D), code development environments (for Python, Jython and Eclipse plug-ins) as well as processing workflows with visual algorithms for analyzing scientific datasets. It is primarily developed at Diamond Light Source, but external contributions are most welcome! DAWN is distributed freely and is released under the Eclipse Public License.
Demeter is a comprehensive system for processing and analyzing X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy data. It contains several packages such as Athena, Artemis and Hephaestus, which are widely used in the XAFS community.
The DIALS project is a collaborativeproject to develop diffraction integration software. There are three end goals: to develop an extensible framework for the development of algorithms to analyse X-ray diffraction data; the implementation of algorithms within this framework and finally a set of user facing tools using these algorithms to allow integration of data from diffraction experiments on synchrotron and free electron sources.
DiffPy-CMI is a library of Python modules for robust modeling of nanostructures in crystals, nanomaterials, and amorphous materials. The software provides functionality for storage and manipulation of structure data and calculation of structure-based quantities, such as PDF, SAS, bond valence sums, atom overlaps, bond lengths, and coordinations. Most importantly the DiffPy-CMI package contains a fitting framework for combining multiple experimental inputs in a single optimization problem.
Data analysis of EXAFS spectra using the fast spherical wave method. It provides an integrated environment for the analysis of EXAFS spectra while delivering a platform for the fast spherical wave method. The current version is based on this method for single scattering, but uses the method of Lee and Pendry (1975) for the exact polarisation dependent theory. Multiple scattering has options to use several methods. It allows fitting of both background-subtracted, and normalised total absorbance spectra. In the latter case the program calculates the atomic contribution of the spectrum (whole-spectrum fitting). The purpose of the program is to find a structural model of a material which agrees with the available XAFS spectra. This program (without GUI) was formerly called EXCURVE and is the one installed at the ESRF
DL_POLY is a general purpose classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation software. It is a package of subroutines, programs and data files, designed to facilitate molecular dynamics simulations of macromolecules, polymers, ionic systems and solutions on a distributed memory parallel computer.
DYNA (or "Dynamic x-ray reflectivity (off-or-on resonance regime for isotropic, anisotropic and magnetic multilayers) simulation program") is a simulation tool to analyze structural, magnetic and electronic profiles along the growth direction of ultrathin layers. It simulates conventional x-ray or optical reflectivity, resonant (or "anomalous") x-ray reflectivity, "orbital reflectometry", magnetic resonant x-ray reflectivity with applications to magnetic or anisotropic layers, in hard or soft matter. Dyna is an on-going open-source project, that uses Matlab environment, the move to Python + Qt being in progress.